Benefits Support
Free, confidential support to help increase awareness of benefits and grants you may be entitled to, help with filling forms, checking what you could be getting from the Government, Local Authorities, Sustainability Schemes, Adult Social Care, etc. We can also signpost you to other organisations who can help.
Support can include communicating with officials by letter, telephone or in person.
Pensioners: Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance (AA)
Disability and Carer’s Benefits, any age: Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Carer’s Allowance, Disabled Facilities Grant, Employment and Support Allowance, Blue Badge Parking Permit
Low income, any age: Help with Health Costs, Council Tax Reduction, Housing Benefit, Jobseekers Allowance, Universal Credit, Income Support
Other queries: Care costs for elderly or disabled people; Special Educational Need Support and Education, Health and Care Plans for children with special educational needs, Employment Support Allowance for those too unwell to work. Help with Gas/Electricity Supply or House Insurance comparisons and switching
Jackie is our Benefits Awareness and Support worker, she can come to your home or talk by phone or email to try to advise on any Benefit or form filling matters, and make sure you are getting everything you are entitled to.
For further information please contact:
Jackie Clayton
TEL: 07376 225134
If you know of someone who would benefit from this service: CLICK HERE
Energy Advice
Energy Advice and Switching your Electricity Provider
If you would like to see if you can make savings on your current energy bills then contact your village agent or our benefits advice and support worker who will arrange an appointment with you.
Northern Fells Group helped local people save over £1406 in 2016/2017
To find a free, impartial and comprehensive price comparison for all suppliers look for a price comparison services which is accredited to Ofgem’s Confidence Code. See link below.
Some from the list are –
0800 688 8244
0800 320 2000
0203 468 0461
0800 0111 395
01259 220 270
0800 849 7077
0800 177 7087
Go on line or call to see how much you can save by switching.
Citizens Advice can help with energy switching appointments at their local offices. Call 01900 64735 to make an appointment.
A useful guide to energy advice and switching is available from Citizens Advice at:
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