Meet the team


The Northern Fells Group employs 12 part time members of staff.
Contact them direct in relation to their position, or for general enquiries contact the Chief Executive Officer.

  • James Baggley

    James Baggley

    • Chief Executive Officer

    TEL: 07539 495245

  • Sheila Fleet

    • Lend a Hand Co-ordinator

    • Medical Loan

    • Meals on Wheels

    • Village Agent for Mungrisdale & Castle Sowerby

    TEL: 07940 237745

  • Jackie Clayton

    Jackie Clayton

    • Benefits Support Worker

    • Village Agent for Sebergham & Welton, Westward & Rosley

    • Dementia Awareness Adviser

    TEL: 07376 225134

  • Gillian Skillicorn

    Gillian Skillicorn

    • Village Agent for Ireby, Uldale & Boltons

    TEL: 07376 258564

  • Chloe Duerdin

    • Village Agent for Caldbeck, Hesket Newmarket & Millhouse

    • Children & Young Peoples Activities coordinator

    Tel: 07495 132416

  • Kitty Booth

    Kitty Booth

    • Transport Co-ordinator

    TEL: 07984 940127

  • Ilona Furrokh

    Ilona Furrokh

    • Admin & Finance Officer

    TEL: 07376 211995

  • Andrew Swainson

    • Shed Master - Men In Sheds

    TEL: 07984 940128

  • Caitlin Parsonage

    Youth Activities Scheme Worker

    TEL: 07852 334421

  • Hannah Martin

    Youth Activities Scheme Worker


The management of the Northern Fells Group is entrusted to a Board of Trustees, which consists of the Officers namely Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Treasurer and up to 12 other members plus co-opted members. The Board meets no less than four times a year.

Each of the Parish Councils of the seven parishes of Boltons, Caldbeck, Castle Sowerby, Ireby with Uldale, Mungrisdale, Sebergham & Welton, and Westward & Rosley is represented on the Board. Members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Geoff Hine


  • Tim Cartmell

    Tim Cartmell

    Vice Chair

  • Andrew Rose

    Andrew Rose


  • Keith Bridges

    Keith Bridges


  • Stephen Brockbank

    Stephen Brockbank


  • Anne Burgess

    Anne Burgess


  • Peter Pearson

    Peter Pearson


  • Mike Richardson

    Mike Richardson


  • Karen Atkinson

    Karen Atkinson


  • Elspeth Alexander

    Elspeth Alexander


  • Libby Graham

    Libby Graham


  • Philippa Groves

    Philippa Groves
