Dementia Support

Our Dementia support services are available for those living with dementia or other memory loss related illness and also those caring for someone living with dementia or other memory loss related illnesses. We work closely with other local organisations and health professionals to ensure our services complement existing provision and allow swift access to our services.

The support we provide is very much tailor made to the needs of the individual and carer:

  • Regular contact either through home visits or telephone calls, providing support, advice and information

  • A monthly C.R.A.F.T. group (Can’t Remember A Flipping Thing) - a light hearted discussion based session with afternoon tea, with the aim to help keep your brain active

  • Move It And Groove It - A monthly group that is based on gentle exercise, music and singing sessions

  • Dance & Sing group - A monthly group for those living with dementia and their loved ones or carers, and anyone else feeling a bit lonely who would like a bit of fun singing and dancing.

  • Support to attend other NFG activity sessions such as Men In Sheds, Arts and Crafts sessions, Cooking for Men

  • Referrals and signposting to other Northern Fells Group services such as carer relief, befriending, Meals on Wheels, hearing aid checks, benefits support, transport services, as well as referrals and signposting to external organisations

We also provide awareness raising sessions to local businesses and organisations and staff to help promote dementia friendly environments.

For further information please contact:

Jackie Clayton
TEL: 07376 225134


If you know of someone who would benefit from this service: CLICK HERE

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